Be Rich: Stewardship ‘25
On Sunday, October 27, we will dedicate all of our commitments for the coming year as part of our worship service, giving thanks to God for all the good gifts we have been given.
On Sunday, October 27, we will dedicate all of our commitments for the coming year as part of our worship service, giving thanks to God for all the good gifts we have been given. -
The abundant generosity of our CPC family has made possible so many glimpses of the Kingdom of God in this last year. From welcoming new Members to growing our commitment to children and youth to meaningful engagement with our community, we have been able to share the love of Christ by our words and by our actions.
This year’s narrative budget helps tell just a little of our story.
“Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also
Pledged commitments from our church family are the primary way in which we are able to fund all that God has called us to do. Our pledged giving goal for this year is $320,00, which represents a 5% increase over 2024. We are asking for more because CPC is a growing church. Good things are happening here and we hope that you will feel called to contribute not
only your time and talent but also your treasure in
support of this work. To help you determine a
level of giving which feels financially significant to
you, please refer to the chart below as a guide:
If you’ve pledged before, we invite you to consider increasing your commitment this year. If you have not pledged before we encourage you to make a first-time commitment to CPC this year.
If everyone were to make a commitment it is possible to not only reach our goal, but also to exceed it and completely eliminate the projected deficit.
You can make your pledge several different ways:
Using our Online Pledge Form that is linked to Realm. You DO NOT need an account in Realm to use this online form! However, if you have set up an account in Realm, you will be able to access your pledge and also set up recurring pledges or online giving. All of those actions will be reflected instantly within Realm and visible to you. Please do not hesitate to reach out with questions, we are happy to answer them.
Mail a pledge card to the church office: 91 Center Street Clinton, NJ 08809
Drop a pledge card in the offering plate at church on Sunday.