We are so glad you are here! If you are looking for church home where you can grow in your faith while serving others in the name of Christ, we hope you will consider yourself warmly invited to CPC. We are not a perfect church family, but we are growing always in God’s grace, and we love to have new friends join with us on this journey.
We invite you to contact the church office if you have a question or concern which you don’t feel is addressed on the site. You can reach us at 908.735.5029 or office4cpc@gmail.com.
You can learn more about our values and vision here.
Our pastor, Rev. Tracey Henry, would be delighted to chat to you on the phone or in person any time. She’ll even treat you to a cup of coffee at one of her favorite spots in town.
Located in the picturesque town of Clinton, New Jersey, we hope you will find our church as inviting and warm as the neighborhood around us. Upon your arrival you will be greeted by friendly faces and made to feel right at home. We have no dress code and no assigned seats, so please come as you are and sit where you are most comfortable. Our sanctuary is wheelchair accessible
Our worship services usually last around an hour and they are blended in style; expect to hear some of the old familiar hymns as well as a mix of newer contemporary pieces. Each week includes scripture readings, a children’s conversation for our youngest disciples, a sermon, prayers of the people and a time to offer our gifts to God. We celebrate communion on the first Sunday of each month. All are welcome at the table. Following worship, please join us for refreshments in fellowship hall or join in with a Sunday school offering.
We celebrate the presence of children in our church family. We love their wiggles and giggles in worship, their thought provoking questions and their joyful energy. Children are always welcome to stay in worship, yet we also provide childcare if you desire it. Fully supervised nursery care is available for children ages 6 weeks and older for the duration of the service, if needed. Children in 1st grade and younger often join us for the first half of the worship service and then head to the nursery after the Children’s Conversation. We provide “busy bags” in the sanctuary to provide some activities for little hands during worship.
Sunday school for children and youth (ages 3 through 8th grade) takes places from 10:40-11:40am each week. To learn more, click here.
If you are joining us for worship on Sunday morning, enter through the red front doors or use the wheelchair accessible ramp on the side of the building. If you are visiting during the week, use the office door, located nearest to the cemetery.
Church Office Hours:
Monday – Thursday 7:30am-3:00pm