Meals and Rides
One way in which the deacons help us to care for one another is by letting us know how we can come alongside to help with meals in times of need – illness, new baby, life transition – and helping with rides – to church, doctors appointments, etc. If you or someone you know would benefit from some care in this way, please contact the church office.
Prayer Ministry
Our deacons always welcome the opportunity to pray with and for you. We also have an active prayer chain to keep us updated on community concerns. If you have a specific request or would like to be added to this prayer chain please feel free to reach out to Pastor Tracey.
Recovery Support Groups
CPC is pleased to serve as a gathering place for a number of Recovery Groups. AA and
Al-Anon meet at the church on Monday nights from 8:00-9:00pm. There is also an AA meeting Friday evenings from 7:00-8:00pm. If you or someone you love could benefit from the care and support of these groups please feel free to contact Pastor Tracey if you would like a more direct connection.