Our Programs
Sunday Funday & CHAOS Youth Ministry
We want YOU to hang with us!
Join us every Sunday during the school year. We’ve got something for everyone!
In 3rd – 5th grade? COME TO SUNDAY FUNDAY! 5:30pm – 6:30pm
In 6th – 12th grade? COME TO CHAOS! 7:00pm – 8:30pm
Come out and have a blast with us as we play games, learn a little and laugh a lot. It’s a great time! Be part of the fun!
Contact Maggie Bell Youth Fellowship Leader, for more information about our youth programs and our mission!
Follow us on Instagram: @chaosyouthministry
Sunday 5:30pm / Sunday 7:00pm
91 Center Street, Clinton NJ 08809
Vacation Bible School
Kids – Get ready to sail away with Jesus for the best week of the summer!
July 9 – 13, 2018. 5:30-pm – 8:00pm, light dinner served
Ages 4 (and potty trained) through those entering Grade 5
Register your Campers or Volunteer online HERE
Or, download and print this registration form and return it to the church.
or stop by the church office (908-735-5029) for a paper registration form
Donations are welcomed at Camp Check-in (a suggested amount is $15/child or $25/family)
July 9-13, 2018
91 Center Street, Clinton NJ 08809
Sunday School
Sunday School Classes for all ages are offered each week, from September through May. Classes begin at 10:40 a.m. and finish at 11:30 a.m.
We’ll kick off the 2018 school year with an all-church breakfast on September 9 and classes will begin on September 16.
Register your child online HERE
Note: No Sunday School classes on the Sunday after Thanksgiving, the Sunday after Christmas and the first Sunday in January.
Children’s Classes
Preschoolers (3 and 4’s) will meet in the preschool room. Our youngest disciples will learn more about God through story and play as they are guided by our denomination’s curriculum “Grace and Gratitude.”
Kindergarten – 5th grade
Children will dive into God’s word, exploring prayer and parables and also learning more about the church and church seasons. Along with our regular classroom Sundays, we will also include weeks of a rotational model where we hope to get out of our usual classrooms, use the church around us, and along with special guest teachers, learn how God lives within our daily lives.
K-2 – will meet upstairs in the Blue Room and Grades 3 – 5 will meet in the Coral Spice Room
Middle School
Meet in the Downstairs Den
Teachers – Bob Tombs and Paul Morrissette
Learn more about the bible, ask big questions of faith, spend time with friends.
Confirmation Class
Meet in the Wolverton Building
Teachers: Maggie Bell and Leslie Hyman
Students in grades 9 and 10
Explore more about our journey of faith and consider what it means to be a member of the church.
(begins September 23)
Gather in the upstairs classroom with Rev. Henry and Melissa Temple, our new intern from Princeton Theological Seminary. We’ll start the fall with Theoacademy’s series Being Presbyterian: Foundations of Presbyterian Discipleship. To be Presbyterian is to join a way of life informed by a particular rhythm: God calls us in grace and love; we respond in gratitude. With a turn to scripture and theology we’ll learn about this basic rhythm of our life together. Whether you have been a Presbyterian your whole life long or if you are new to the denomination, our time together will be enriching.
Every Sunday After Church
91 Center Street, Clinton NJ 08809
Bible Studies
Women’s Morning Bible Study
Using a variety of studies, we thoughtfully engage with scripture seeking connections to our own lives. This fall we are studying The Sermon on the Mount together. Begins September 13. All are welcome.
Meets September through May on Tuesday mornings from 9:30 am-11:30 am in the Fellowship Hall.
Women’s Evening Bible Study
A gentle study designed to fit into busy schedules. All are welcome to join us as we read and pray together. In the fall we will begin a new study using Jessica LaGrone’s work “Set Apart” as a guide for our time together. Begins October 5th
Meets October through May on 1st and 3rd Wednesday evenings from 7-8 pm in the Wolverton Building.
Men’s Breakfast and Bible Study
Join us to feed your body and soul. No preparation necessary. All are welcome. Begins October 1rd
Meets October through May on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays from 7:30 am-8:30 am in Fellowship Hall.
Varying Dates
91 Center Street, Clinton NJ 08809
Small Groups
Coming Soon!
91 Center Street, Clinton NJ 08809