A note from our Pastor

One of my greatest joys since arriving at Clinton Presbyterian Church back in March 2013, has been getting to know the story of this church family. It’s a story which is so rich because it reaches back through the generations, a story of faithful worship and service from this place for generations. We who are part of this family today are indebted to those who came before us.

Their faithful witness laid the foundation for our faith. Many of those who went before also made plans to support mission and ministry at Clinton Presbyterian Church into the future and their generosity and faith continues to bless us. It is our responsibility now to “tell to the coming generations the glorious deeds of the Lord.” (Psalm 78:4)

Soon you will hear more about a new Planned Giving program to be launched at CPC, which will allow you to remember CPC in your estate planning. Get ready to consider this call, for the sake of the generations to come.

We look forward with great hope and faith.
