Bible Basics for Adults - The Gospel of John
Sunday mornings at 10:40 am      Pastor’s Study
This weekly bible study class is for beginners and longtime students of the Bible alike. We are working our way through the Gospel of John as we grow in faith and community with one another. No need to sign up - just jump in and join us.

Lectionary Lunch Break  Wednesdays 12 – 12:45 via zoom
Hop on to Zoom with Pastor Tracey and chat together about the preaching text for the upcoming week. Warning: your insights may appear in sermon from a pulpit near you! Begins September 20th. RSVP to Tracey by September 18.

Women's Evening Group: From Daughters to Disciples
2nd & 4th Mondays at 7pm
From faithful forerunners like Anna and Elizabeth to female disciples like the sisters Mary, Martha, and Mary Magdalene to first-generation followers like Lydia and Dorcas, we’ll get reacquainted with a wealth of foremothers in the faith in all their messy, yet redeemable, humanity.

Small Groups
We’re forming new small groups for study, prayer and fellowship and you are invited! Groups can meet weekly, bi-weekly, monthly or on another schedule that works for the group members. Meet in homes, on zoom or at the church. We’ll provide study resources for you to choose from, or use materials of your own. Sign up today or email Tracey at Groups will launch in October.