“Guard the good treasure entrusted to you, with the help of the Holy Spirit living in us.”
2 Timothy 1:14

Our Capital Campaign, “Generation to Generation” is now underway.
To learn more about the proposed projects and estimated costs, please click on the image below.


This Spring marks two years since we embarked upon our “Generation to Generation” Capital Campaign the first such campaign at Clinton Presbyterian since 1975. As we mark the end of the second year of giving for the campaign we want to provide a thorough update on each area of work, a timeline for the completion of projects and a reminder of how you can continue to invest in this work. Not a single project outlined here would have been possible without your faithful prayers and generous support along the way.


To hear about how God has been at work in the lives of our congregation
over the years, tune into the video below.


To hear “Cardboard Testimonies” from Ministry Sunday, March 20th, tune into the video below.


Campaign Team Members

Chairpersons: Jim Dornbusch, Sandie Lundeen, Scott Lundeen, Zan Struebing
Communications: Christina Schlegel
Coordinator: Diane O’Connor
Gatherings & Celebration: Jessica Bruno
Gratitude & Ministry: Dave Kelly
Ministry Strategist at Horizons: Scott McKenzie
Pastor: Tracey Henry